As fast as events are unfolding in the cabinet industry today, a company that has survived for over five and a half decades is indeed unusual. Founded on the principal of supplying customers with a quality product at a competitive price- while maintaining the level of service you desire for yourself - Harris Door & Drawer began manufacturing quality hardwood cabinet doors and drawer fronts in 1959.
Located in Buford, North Georgia, we offer an extensive range of cabinetry components, including custom hardwood doors, MDF doors, decorative panels, drawer fronts, dovetail drawer boxes, arches, cornices, moldings and more. We have invested heavily in our future by obtaining the latest “state-of-the-art” machinery and available technologies.
The styles shown here represent our most popular styles & eye pleasing shapes in a wide variety of profiles. Harris Door & Drawer accentuates the premium quality of workmanship in materials and the overall craftsmanship of all Harris wood products. Available in an unlimited choice of wood species from Maple to Mahogany these are door and drawer styles certain to please the eye for years to come, helping us to reach our most important goal: Customer Satisfaction!
We understand that the ordering process must be clear and simple, no room for mistakes. Toward that goal you will find our new ordering forms and instructions to be most accommodating. Orders are acknowledged within 24 hours of receipt.
Thank you for visiting Harris Door & Drawer, Inc. and we look forward to serving you for many years to come.
The images above show actual cabinet doors and drawers designed by Harris Door & Drawer, Inc. For more information about any of the rooms or items shown please contact our office at (770) 945-7014.
From Gainesville: Take I-985 South to exit #8 Friendship Road / Lanier Islands Pkwy. Turn right and continue on Friendship Road / Lanier Island Pkwy less than a mile turn left onto Bristol Industrial Way.We are the fifth building on the right.5042 Bristol Industrial Way, Buford Ga. 30518
From Atlanta: Take I-85 North to the I-985 North split in Suwanee. Follow I-985 N to exit #8 Friendship Road / Lanier Islands Pkwy. Turn left and continue on Friendship Road / Lanier Islands Pkwy less than a mile turn left onto Bristol Industrial Way. We are the fifth building on the right. 5042 Bristol Industrial Way, Buford Ga. 30518
Phone: (770) 945-7014
Fax: (770) 945-4041
Toll Free: (800) 277-1204
Email: info@harrisdoor.com
Hours of operation Monday through Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm Closed Saturday and Sunday
Phone: (770) 945-7014 • Fax: (770) 945-4041 • Email: info@harrisdoor.com
5042 Bristol Industrial Way • Buford, Georgia 30518
Copyright © 2015 Harris Door, Inc.-
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